Feldman Law Center – News by Feldman Law Center — When facing the loss of their house, short sales are a method that some people choose to use in order to stop foreclosure from taking place. This tactic takes place when it seems likely that the bank will lose less money than it would with a foreclosure.

By definition, a short sale means that the home is being sold for less than is owed on the mortgage. In evaluating the pros and cons of a short sale, some of the cons include: having to pay taxes, insurance, and mortgage payments on the property until the house is sold; competing with other bargain basement-priced homes in the area; getting a negative mark on your credit report; losing all of your investment in the property; and the possibility of still owing money towards the mortgage of a home that you no longer own or live in. After dealing with all of these problems associated with a short sale of your house, you still have to find a place for you and your family to live. While a short sale may be one of the options you have, we believe that there are better options out there for you.

If you are facing a similar problem, you should consider a home loan modification. Many California companies offer loan modifications, but not all companies have the benefit of experienced, licensed attorneys. The Feldman Law Center specializes in California loan modifications, which can help you avoid a foreclosure, bankruptcy, or short sale on your home. An attorney can help secure the most advantageous deal for you, your family, and your property.

Loan modifications are one of the best options to choose when facing the loss of your home. When comparing a home loan modification to a short sale, you could potentially avoid all of the cons of a short sale. You would stay in your home, keep the investment you’ve made in the home, and avoid the hassle and expense of completing a short sale and finding new accommodations.

Most California loan modifications include lowering or fixing the interest rate of your mortgage, which means that monthly payments would be stabilized to an amount that is more attainable for you. It can also include reducing the principle balance that you owe or forgiving some of your mortgage payment defaults or missed payments on fees. A modification completed by one of our loan modification attorneys can include any or all of the above features. The main advantage of having an attorney complete the negotiations with a lender is that our attorneys can achieve better results than you can achieve alone, and can achieve them more quickly.

The attorneys of The Feldman Law Center are experienced negotiators of home loan modifications. Our founder, Steven C. Feldman has been licensed by the State Bar of California for over 25 years. Free quotes and consultations are available for you to help you make the most of your current situation. Contact us today and let us help you with your home loan modification.

Visit us at http://www.feldmanlawcenter.com or call 800-588-0425.

About Feldman Law Center
The Feldman Law Center is one of California’s top loan modification companies, providing excellent service to our clients and is completely focused on keeping everyone one of our clients in their homes.  Our loan modification experts work tirelessly to provide every homeowner we work with the information, guidance and support they need to modify their mortgages and keep the homes they’ve worked to buy.
About Loan Modifications
If you’re unfamiliar with what a loan modification is, a loan modification is quite possibly the most effective tool you can utilize if you are behind on your mortgage, and are in the midst of a financial  hardship, in order to save your home from interesting foreclosure.  A loan modification is literally is a process where the terms of a mortgage are modified outside the original terms of the contract agreed to by the lender and borrower (i.e mortgagor and mortgagee). In general, any loan can be modified.  The Feldman Law Center knows every law in California (and the country) that may be able to keep you in your home.  Lenders would rather renegotiate the terms of your loan, and possibly even negotiate a principle reduction, than let the house go into foreclosure.
With years of experience negotiating with lenders, as well as years of experience keeping people in their homes, the Feldman Law Center is one of the most experienced loan modification companies in all of California.

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